Monday 21 July 2014

Healing With EFT Matrix Reimprinting Therapy

Matrix Reimprinting with EFT is a excellent personal development technique that combines the traditional ancient meridian system like acupuncture with the latest research and findings in the new medical sciences and trauma research to achieve great results for health and well being with physical/emotional issues.

Emotional Issues like:
Negative Beliefs

Matrix Reimprinting can be considered a refinement of EFT, blended with tapping therapy. This allows you to revisit traumatic childhood events and heal them.
EFT Matrix Reimprinting

EFT, which is short for Emotional Freedom Techniques, also known as Tapping. It has the power to step-by-step collapse all the dominoes standing in the way of our confidence, and success in self-esteem. This is regardless of whether the confidence is needed in your social, romantic, work, or leisure life.

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